Account Attributes[账户属性]
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    Personal RMB demand deposit account includes: saving account and personal settlement account:
    RMB demand term saving account (personal non-settlement account) is the personal account for cash deposit/withdrawal and funds transferring among the accounts under the same account owner. After the saving account is opened, the bank will offer a passbook to the customer, with the passbook, the customer would make deposit and withdrawal against this account at any time.
    Personal RMB settlement account is a kind of Personal demand deposit account in RMB that a nature person opened and applied for payment settlement against the investment, consumption and settlement.
    Personal settlement account is equipped with all of the capabilities of the saving account, with additional business capabilities, such as settlement, fund transfer and consumption businesses.
2、 存款人以单位名称开立的银行结算账户为单位银行结算账户。单位银行结算账户按用途分为基本存款账户、一般存款账户、专用存款账户、临时存款账户。对不同的属性的账户有不同的要求。
For the settlement accounts under a corporate name, we call it as corporate settlement account. Based on different account purpose, the corporate settlement account would be: basic deposit account, general deposit account, special deposit account, temporary deposit account. The account with different attributes may have different requirements.
(1)     基本存款账户。基本存款账户是存款人因办理日常转账结算和现金收付需要开立的银行结算账户。根据中国人民银行对基本帐户的管理规定,一个存款单位只能在银行开立一个基本存款帐户,存款人可以通过基本存款帐户办理提取现金和转帐结算等业务。
Basic deposit account. The basic deposit account is served as the settlement account for daily funds transfer, settlement and cash collection/payment. Based on PBOC’s management regulations on the basic account, one corporate could open only one basic deposit account, and could make cash deposit/withdrawal and transfer, settlement against this basic deposit account.
(2)     一般存款帐户。一般存款账户是企事业单位在基本存款帐户以外开立的银行结算帐户。一般存款帐户不能取现,只能办理现金缴存和转帐结算等业务。
General deposit account. The general deposit account is the settlement account that corporate opened at the bank besides the basic deposit account. The general deposit account could only be applied for cash deposit and transfer settlement, and the cash withdrawal is not permitted.
(3)     专用存款账户。专用存款账户是存款人按照法律、行政法规和规章,对其特定用途资金进行专项管理和使用而开立的银行结算账户。专用存款账户用于办理各项专用资金的收付。
Special deposit account. The special deposit account is the kind of settlement account opened based on the law, administrative regulation and rules requirements, to carry out the special management and utilization of the special purposed funds.
(4)     临时存款帐户。临时存款账户是存款人因临时需要并在规定期限内使用而开立的银行结算账户。临时存款账户的有效期最长为两年。临时存款账户用于办理临时机构以及存款人临时经营活动发生的资金收付。
Temporary deposit account. In case of an interim needs and will use the account within certain period, the depositor will open an interim settlement account, i.e. the temporary deposit account. The maximum valid period for a temporary deposit account is 2 years. The temporary deposit account is used for establishing the interim institution and the funds collect/pay against the interim operating activities of the account owner.

  •      临时存款账户应根据有关开户证明文件确定的期限或存款人的需要确定其有效期限。存款人在账户的使用中需要延长期限的,应在有效期限内向开户银行提出申请,并由开户银行报中国人民银行当地分支行核准后办理展期。临时存款账户的有效期最长不得超过2年。

         The valid account term of the temporary deposit account is defined based on the relevant bank account opening certificates or based on the depositor's needs. If the depositor wants to extend the account term, he has to deliver the application to the ownership branch before the account term maturity day. The application would be turned-in to the local PBOC’s branch for approval of extension. The maximum period for the temporary deposit account is 2 year.

  •     临时存款账户支取现金,应按照国家现金管理的规定办理。

         Cash withdrawal from the temporary deposit account shall abide by the provisions of the state cash administrative rules.

            开户单位可以在下列范围内使用现金:The account owner corporate could utilize the cash within the following scopes:

            (一) 职工工资、津贴;Employee payroll and allowance;

            (二) 个人劳务报酬;Personal remuneration of labor;
            (三) 根据国家规定颁发给个人的科学技术、文化艺术、体育等各种奖金;The prizes awarded to a person regard the field of science and technology, culture and arts and sports, based on the state regulations.
            (四) 各种劳保、福利费用以及国家规定的对个人的其他支出;All sorts of labor insurances and welfare expenses as well as other expenses for individual that stipulated by the state;
            (五) 向个人收购农副产品和其他物资的价款;The payment to the individual for acquisition of agricultural products and other materials from him;
            (六) 出差人员必须随身携带的差旅费;Necessary travel expenses that shall be carried by the travelling staff;
            (七) 结算起点以下的零星支出;The sporadic expenses that under the starting point of settlement;
            (八) 中国人民银行确定需要支付现金的其他支出。Other expenses that defined by the PBOC that shall be paid in cash.

  •      注册验资的临时存款账户在验资期间只收不付,注册验资资金的汇缴人应与出资人的名称一致。The temporary deposit account for a corporate registration capital verification is not allowed for money outwards, and only capital deposit-in is permitted during the capital verification period; The remitter of the funds for registration capital shall be the same with the investor.

3、     外汇局按账户主体类别和交易性质对个人外汇账户进行管理。银行为个人开立外汇账户,应区分境内个人和境外个人。账户按交易性质分为外汇结算账户、外汇储蓄账户、资本项目账户。外币存款按账户资金来源区分外汇账户、外币现钞账户。(居民和非居民,辖区内和辖区外)
SAFE will manage the personal foreign exchange account according to the account subject and transaction nature. When banks open the personal foreign exchange account, the account owner shall be recognized as domestic or foreign individual. Based on the nature of the transactions, the account would be divided into: foreign exchange settlement account, foreign exchange saving account, capital account. Due to the source of the funds, the foreign currency deposit account could be foreign exchange account or foreign currency cash account. (Residential or non-residential, within or out of the governance region)
4、     对公外汇账户按账户性质分为:经常项目账户、资本项目账户两类。
Due to its account nature, the corporate foreign exchange account would be: current account or capital account.
    The current account, based on the product types, would be classified as demand deposit, time deposit and notice deposit. If classified by the account owner, the account could be: domestic entities’ foreign exchange account under current account (financial institution excluded), foreign exchange account of the foreign establishments in China (include the diplomatic institutions and commercial establishments)
    The capital account is divided to: general capital account, capital fund account, special account for foreign investors, self-operated foreign exchange loan account and external debt account.


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